Cost of LCD display

LCD display and new display technology is the current display technology in the field of the two main streams. LCD display as a traditional display technology, has experienced many years of development, while the new display technology with the continuous progress of science and technology and continuous development. In this paper, we will compare the LCD display and new display technology from the cost point of view, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages between them.
I. Cost of LCD display
The cost of LCD display mainly includes material cost, production cost, research and development cost. Among them, material costs include LCD panels, backlight modules, driver chips, etc.; production costs include plant construction, equipment investment, labor costs, etc.; research and development costs include laboratory construction, product design, process flow, etc..
Since the production technology of LCD display is quite mature and the production scale is already large, its material cost and production cost are relatively low. However, since the structure of LCD displays is more complex and requires a large number of parts and processes, their R&D costs are relatively high.
II. Cost of new display technologies
New display technologies include OLED, Micro LED, laser display and so on. The costs of these technologies mainly include material costs, production costs, and R&D costs.
Since the new display technology adopts new materials and technologies, its material cost is relatively high. At the same time, since the production process of new display technology is relatively simple, its production cost is relatively low. However, since the research and development of new display technology requires a large amount of investment, its research and development cost is relatively high.
III. Cost comparison of LCD display and new display technologies
From the cost point of view, LCD display and new display technology have their own advantages and disadvantages. the material cost and production cost of LCD display is relatively low, but its research and development cost is relatively high; while the material cost and research and development cost of new display technology is relatively high, but its production cost is relatively low.
In practice, due to different application scenarios on the display effect and cost requirements are different, so the choice of which display technology needs to be weighed according to the actual situation. For example, in the high-end market and the pursuit of high-definition occasions, the new display technology has a better performance; while in the general market and the pursuit of cost-effective occasions, LCD display is more advantageous.
IV. Conclusion
LCD displayand new display technology are both hot spots in the field of current display technology. From the cost point of view, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and need to be selected according to the actual situation. In the future, with the continuous progress and development of technology, display technology will be more mature and diversified, and we have reason to believe that display technology will play a greater role in more fields.

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