MCU interface supports 480 x 800 displays

The MCU interface standard name is I80, which is mainly used in the field of microcontroller.
The standard term for the MCU-LCD interface is the 8080 bus standard proposed by Intel.
MCU interface can be divided into 8080 mode and 6800 mode, the main difference between the two is the timing: data bit transfer 8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit, 18-bit, 24-bit; connected to the line is divided into: CS /, RS (Register Selection), RD /, WR /, the rest of the transmission data line.

Advantage: Simple and convenient control, no clock and synchronization signal required.
Cons: Takes up a lot of GRAM resources, display refresh rate is not enough for resolutions above 480×800.

Market demand, there are solutions, display driver IC Taiwan manufacturers, such as the United Wing NT35510, ILI9806 can support FULL RAM or 1/2 RAM to make up for the GRAM resources, 480X800 resolution display, it can be done to support the MCU interface there is a flip display.

ILI9806 1.Supported Resolution:WVGA 
 2. Can be used with panel technology:a-Si 
 4. RAM or RAMLESS: Full RAM 
 5. Basic input/output voltage: IOVCC=1.65~3.3V; VCI=2.6~3.3V 
 6. Status:MP
ILI9806H 1.Supported Resolution:WVGA 
 2. Can be used with panel technology:a-Si 
 4. RAM or RAMLESS: 1/2 RAM 
 5. Basic input/output voltage: IOVCC=1.65~3.3V; VCI=2.6~3.3V 
 6. Status:MP

For MCU-interfaced LCDs, the internal chip is called the LCD driver IC, whose main function is to transform the data/commands sent by the motherboard into RGB data for each pixel, so that it can be displayed on the screen. This process does not require a dot, line, or frame clock.
MCU interface LCD Driver IC with GRAM, Driver IC as a piece of MCU co-processor, accept the Command/Data sent by the MCU, can work relatively independently. For the MCU interface LCD, its internal chip is called LCD driver IC, the main function is the main board sent data/command, transformed into each pixel of the RGB data, so that it is displayed on the screen LCD screen. This process does not require a dot, line, or frame clock.

I(intel) 8080 mode
There are five control pins for I80 mode pins: CS,RS,/WR,/RD RESET
Advantage: Simple and convenient control, no clock and synchronization signal required.
Cons: It takes GRAM resources and can't do more than 480×800 resolution.

Lian Yong NT35510 Sunplus OTM8009A 奇景HX8363B 奇景HX8363B 奕力ILI9806 All the above models can be perfectly solved.

M (Motorola) 6800 mode
M6800 mode supports selectable bus width 8/9/16/18-bit (default is 8-bit), its actual design idea is the same as that of I80, the main difference is that the bus control read/write signals of this mode are combined on a single pin (/WR), and a latch signal (E) is added Data bit transmission is available in 8-bit, 9-bit, 16-bit and 18-bit.
The main difference between the MCU interface and the RGB interface is:
MCU interface mode: display data is written to DDRAM, commonly used for static picture display.
RGB interface mode: display data is not written to DDRAM, direct display, fast speed, commonly used for displaying video or animation.

MCU interface does not support 480X800 resolution LCD, display driver IC manufacturers, such as Wing NT35510, ILI9806 can support FULL RAM or 1/2 RAM to make up for GRAM resources, 480X800 resolutionmonitorThis is the only way to support the MCU interface and the flip-up display.

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