What does a tft display rely on?

A TFT (Thin Film Transistor) display is a thin-film transistor liquid crystal display that controls the arrangement and orientation of liquid crystal molecules to display images.

TFT DisplayThe basic structure includes liquid crystal layer, TFT matrix, backlight module and color filter, etc. The liquid crystal layer is composed of liquid crystal molecules that can rotate and orient themselves to change the direction of light propagation. The liquid crystal layer is composed of liquid crystal molecules that can be rotated and oriented to change the direction of light propagation, and the TFT matrix is composed of a large number of transistors that control the orientation and arrangement of the liquid crystal molecules to realize the display of images. The backlight module provides the light source that enables the liquid crystal molecules to display the image. Color filters are used to filter different colors of light to produce a color image.

The display principle of TFT display is to change the direction of light propagation by controlling the orientation and arrangement of liquid crystal molecules, so as to realize the display of images. When the liquid crystal molecules are oriented in the same direction, light can pass directly through the liquid crystal layer, displaying a white or transparent image. When the liquid crystal molecules are not oriented in the same direction, the light will be scattered by the liquid crystal molecules, displaying a black or gray image.

It relies on the following technologies to achieve its display:

1, liquid crystal technology: TFT display uses liquid crystal technology to control the transmittance of liquid crystal molecules, so as to realize the image display. Liquid crystal molecules have the characteristics of anisotropy and mobility, and can rotate their orientation under the action of electric field, thus controlling the light transmittance.

2, thin-film transistor technology: TFT displays use thin-film transistor technology to control the electrical characteristics of each pixel to realize the image display. Thin-film transistors are made of semiconductor materials and can be used to control the current and voltage of each pixel.

3, backlight technology: TFT display using backlight technology to provide light for the display, so as to realize the dark environment of the image display. The backlight technology usually uses LED light source, which has the advantages of high brightness, long life and low power consumption.

4, drive circuit technology: TFT display adopts the drive circuit technology to control the thin film transistor and backlight work, so as to realize the image display. Driver circuit technology usually uses integrated circuits to achieve high integration and high reliability.

5, color filter technology: TFT display using color filter technology to achieve color image display. Color filter is usually made of dye material, can be used to filter different wavelengths of light, so as to achieve different colors of the display.

In short, TFT display is a kind of display device that realizes image display by controlling the orientation and arrangement of liquid crystal molecules. It has the advantages of high brightness, high contrast, high resolution and low power consumption, and is widely used in cell phones, tablet PCs, TVs, monitors and other electronic products.

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